provides FireLite alarm panels for your fire protection.
small 50 point addressable systems to large mass notification configurations, the
FireLite line are the right fit. Each system packs enough punch to handle virtually any functionality and
signaling demands that may be asked of it. These panels use
If you need to replace an out dated and
obsolete system you are in luck. FireLite panels don't require
shielded loop wiring making them a great match for retrofit
applications. Think of the savings in time and materials if you
could reuse your existing wiring!
Many jurisdictions are increasingly requiring voice evacuation
systems. We've got you covered.. FireLite has the flexibility and intelligence to fill your needs.
System Sensor
Notification Devices

The notification appliances feature an easy snap on
base that is designed to simplify the installation and testing of
horns, strobes, and horn/strobes combination units. The separate snap-on base
can be pre-wired so that circuit wiring can be fully tested before the
appliance is installed. A dust
cover protects the mounting plate until the walls are painted. Once all surrounding work is
complete, the dust cover can be easily removed and the appliance can
be installed by simply snapping it on the base. Shorting contacts in
the base, which provide continuity for circuit testing, are
permanently opened once the appliance is installed so any subsequent
removal of the device will indicate a trouble condition on that notification
appliance circuit at the control panel.